Utilizing a personal shopper is a quick, easy, stress free and economical way to build and maintain the wardrobe you desire.
“Quick” because your image consultant already knows the colors and styles that are best for you. She will not waste time looking at items not right for you, rather she will quickly select amazing outfits and fashion items especially for you.
“Easy” since you simply meet at the selected shopping destination and the normally bewildering array of choices will now be tamed and manageable.
“Stress Free” because you do not have a store associate trying to sell you clothes, instead you have an image consultant by your side who has no agenda other than making you look and feel your best.
“Economical” because your image consultant will tailor your shopping experience to meet your budget, you will buy complimentary clothes that you will wear and you will stop wasting money on unworn clothes that don’t make you look good and take up space in your closet.
(Accompanied One-on-One) Personal Fashion Shopping Service includes: